
DIY Backyard Playset (Phase One)

Things have been kinda quiet around the blog for the last couple of weeks, mostly because I have been helping my daughter rehabilitate her leg after she got her leg cast off.  She didn't want to use her leg for the first week and then some, and I spent a lot of time trying to get her moving again.

We had wanted to get our kids a backyard playset this year, but after looking around at a lot of different stores and websites, we didn't think our budget could take it.  We decided that to get what we wanted for the price we wanted, we would have to design and build our own playset with lumber we could readily get from the store.  This is called "phase one" because we'd like to add more towers and swings and things like that as our kids get older.
My husband, of our DIY pergola and toddler picnic table fame, had this thing planned and built in a couple of weeks of working on it here and there.  He's amazing!  We used paving stones underneath the support posts to make everything level and stable.  The picnic table fits under there perfectly, and now the kids always have a spot of shade.  From on the platform, there's a great view of the neighborhood and a prime place to blow bubbles.
Next thing on our list: finishing our basement family room.  It's going to be a bit of work to get what we want done down there, but after doing the two bedrooms and bathroom, I think we are up for the challenge.  Of course, I will keep doing my little projects here and there.  I'm hoping to share a couple of those next week, then it's off to Colorado for my family vacation and 10K!

Linked up: Tatertots & Jello


  1. 10K! What? Go Audrey! Loved the post. We definitely need to catch up soon. Miss you!

  2. I had suspicions that you built that fort to spy on us. Now it is confirmed.... good view of the neighborhood.... good view into my kitchen window. M blowing bubbles is just a cover.....

  3. Do you have the plans available for this? And how much were the materials roughly? Love it :)

  4. I am wondering the same thing... Do you have plans/instructions?

  5. I don't have plans for this, but the base was made by cutting 2x4's in half, so it's about four feet square. It is also about four feet tall to the platform. The roof boards are roughly five feet long. Everything else was made to feel right.
