
Progress Report: Zig Zag Quilt

We have been having such a busy summer around here!  I started this quilt months ago, intending it for the basement family room, once it's finished.  I did all the cutting and piecing with some friends using this tutorial from the Bee Square Blog.  It was easy enough to follow, but I only used four different fabrics instead of nine to give it a more cohesive look.
I have since finished piecing the top and trimmed the points off all around.  I found some flannel for the backing but haven't been able to piece it yet, since I started my screen printing up again last week.  My new design will be ready to debut after I get some good pictures.  Also, I'll be sure to show some photos of the finished quilt when I get it all put together.


  1. Looks awesome!!! I might be done with mine in 2020 :) maybe once school starts up I can get back to work.

  2. lOVE this pattern and colors! You have such an eye for what goes well together!
