
Interview with ABC4

Today I had an awesome opportunity to do an interview with Brent Hunsaker from ABC4 News in Utah.  I got to show how I do my screen printing and talk a little bit about Etsy.  I was pretty nervous, but I think it went really well.  It's always so interesting to meet people from the news in real life.  It almost seems like you already know them.  Weird.

Even though I do Etsy mostly as a hobby, it was nice to do be able to share a little bit of my creative side.  Plus, in the process of getting ready for the interview, I got my craft room set up!  The closet it still a mess, but I have a great creative work area. 

I also made a new screen design!  I am having some trouble with a new emulsion I am using, so I've blown out two screens trying to get it done.  A blown-out screen means that part of the stencil that I wanted to stay got washed off, which means I have to start completely over.  Once I get things worked out, I think you will be as excited as I am to see the new design.  Hint: It's a completely new type of product for me.

The Etsy story should air sometime in May, but the date isn't completely set yet.  My friends and neighbors Amie and Tanya will also featured.  What fun!

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